Ø South African Business letter stating purpose of visit and duration of stay. Make sure the letter is addressed as follows:
Consulado Geral de Angola – Africa do Sul This letter must be in Portuguese. If the client is requesting a SHORT TERM VISA then the letter must request this. If the client is requesting an ordinary visa then the letter must request this.
Ø Invitation letter stating purpose of visit and duration of stay- from company in Angola must be in Portuguese, have company stamp and must be signed and include a telephone number and full address. Make sure the letter is addressed as follows: Consulado Geral de Angola – Africa do Sul. If the client is requesting a SHORT TERM VISA then the letter must request this. If the client is requesting an ordinary visa then the letter must request this. THIS MUST BE ORIGINAL AND EMAILED DIRECTLY TO THE CONSULATE. THE ORIGINAL MUST BE SENT TO CLIENT.
Ø Invite must be emailed from the Angolan company to the Angolan embassy in Johannesburg: or
Ø “Alvara Comercial” – This document is the certificate of registration for the company in Angola. The inviting company can provide this.
Ø “Diario Da Republica” – This document is the Government Gazette.
Ø “De Contribuinte” – Company Tax documents.
Ø “Documento De Arrecadacao De Receitas” – Document revenue (must not be older than a year)
Ø “Documento De Liquidacao De Impostos: – Tax clearance Document. (must not be older than a year)
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