Ø South African Business letter stating purpose of visit and duration of stay. Make sure the letter is addressed as follows: Ao Sector Consular, Embaixada da Republica de Angola Pretoria – Africa do Sul This letter must be in Portuguese.
Ø Invitation letter stating purpose of visit and duration of stay- from company in Angola must be in Portuguese, have company stamp and must be signed and include a telephone number and full address. Make sure the letter is addressed as follows: Ao Sector Consular, Embaixada da Republica de Angola Pretoria – Africa do Sul.
Ø “Alvara Comercial” – This document is the certificate of registration for the company in Angola. The inviting company can provide this.
Ø “Diario Da Republica” – This document is the Government Gazette.
Ø “De Contribuinte” – Company Tax documents.
Ø “Documento De Arrecadacao De Receitas” – Document revenue (must not be older than a year)
Ø “Documento De Liquidacao De Impostos: – Tax clearance Document. (must not be older than a year)
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